N-SHEV Natural & Smoke Ventilation Systems

A comprehensive range of highly efficient, cost-effective smoke, N-SHEV natural and powered ventilators to meet the performance and aesthetic requirements of building operators, architects, specifies and contractors. Our Ventilators can be specifically designed for Stairwells, AOV Smoke Shafts, Atrium and Roof Ventilation, Smoke Control Systems, Car Park Ventilation and Natural Ventilation Systems and more.

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  • Louvred Smoke & Natural Ventilator

    Roof Opensky AOV Louvred Smoke & Natural Ventilator

    Our louvred AOV Opensky is a natural and smoke ventilator perfect for comfort ventilation or as part of a SHEV (smoke and heat exhaust ventilation) system. The AOV Opensky is available in a range of dimensions, control operations and finishes making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

  • Glazed Louvre Ventilator

    Krystalite AOV Glazed Louvre Smoke & Natural Ventilator

    The Krystalite AOV glazed lovered smoke vent is our most advanced architectural smoke and natural ventilator which combines aesthetics, function and fire safety for facade building integration.The aesthetically pleasing product matches modern day design with high performance. Making it a perfect cost effective solution for replacing window systems whilst adding the ability of smoke ventilation.

  • AOV Casement Ventilator

    Stirling AOV N-SHEV Smoke & Natural Casement Ventilator

    The Stirling AOV Casement Ventilator is a SHEV smoke and natural EN-12101-2 tested ventilator which has been specifically designed to meet both the functional and aesthetic demands of the modern construction industry and provides the perfect blend of performance, versatility and aesthetics.

  • AOV Glazed Ventilator

    Ultrasky N-SHEV AOV Glazed Smoke & Natural Casement Ventilator

    The Ultrasky AOV vent is a high quality glazed ventilator designed for both smoke and natural ventilation requirements, tested to BS EN12101-2. Its extremely low air permeability characteristics, low profile and aesthetic features offer the ideal solution for modern buildings. Ultrasky has been specifically designed for seamless integration into inclined and vertical glazing systems.

  • Fully Weathered Smoke & Natural Ventilator

    Multisky AOV Fully Weathered Smoke & Natural Ventilator

    The Multisky is a fully weathered AOV ventilator specifically developed for smoke and natural ventilation for industrial applications combining the EN Tested Roof Opensky with our industrial Mutli-Purpose Ventilator with side dampers for fully weathered natural ventilation.

  • TBS580i Evaporative Cooler

    Powrmatic have brought the TBS 580i evaporative cooler to the HVAC market. This evaporative cooler delivers cool, 100% fresh air, at much lower costs than refrigerated cooling methods. Evaporative cooling is fast becoming the only viable option for cooling large areas. A CPQ system can typically use less energy than refrigerated cooling systems.

  • powered extract ventilator

    PVE Powered Extract Ventilator

    The PVe powered extract ventilator is designed for exhaust ventilation for various premises that require reasonable energy saving solutions and controlled ventilation systems. The range has excellent weathering characteristics and is contoured to provide the maximum performance. PVe is suitable for either roof or wall mounting and designed for effective performance across a variety of demanding conditions providing fully weathered ventilation through a wide range of sizes.